Since the political orientation of these mass shooters is invariably used to smear political parties and policies, it is imperative that the original text be available for independent analysis, since all news organizations and reporters have revealed themselves to be politically biased. This content is provided here in its entirety. My comments are on the parent page. Source MANIFESTO The Inconvenient Truth About Me In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto.


1/ Re: your original post, belief and faith are the same thing. Your last sentence basically says “believe in belief” or “have faith in faith”. Perhaps you mean “have faith in religion.” That’s why I say serious confusion. Further, validity is just a way of saying that your… 2/ … conclusion logically flows from your previously accepted premises. All premises are the starting point of an argument and presumably correct.

Correcting Common Word Games

Now that everyone seems to be aware of the need for true facts, here is how to grasp them - Eliminate these thinking bugs.

The political landscape today is presented as an ever-changing battlefield between opposing factions, or “identity groups”. What is needed is not more opposing groups, but a better differentiation of ideals. Sign Posts These are some of the thinking-errors that we intend to correct over the coming months as we develop this site: postmodernism is anti modernism Democratization is actually liberalization Democratization –> Liberalization More details…

Fake News, Fake Science, and You

Even fakers eventually beg for objectivity

Media outlets and prominant intellectuals are rightfuly alarmed by the rising predominance of false and misleading news stories and social media posts. They are right to be alarmed, but they are wrong to suggest they were not complicite in the trend. If cultural intellectuals, the people who make value statements about culture, can be described by one sweeping term, that term would be “relativism”. For quite some time the cultural climate has been one of cultural relativism, the idea that all cultures are equal, and that has leaked into ideological relativism, the idea that all ideologies are equal, and that being certain of anything is the only true sign of ignorance.

Choosing Hugo Over DocPad

Standardized Markdown provides portability.

I love the flexibility of static generated sites. I can create content easily while I also develop the logical structure of the components and their taxonomical relations. Most of that is provided by Markdown, including the YAML front-matter. So the static generator just needs to be easy to start and extend, and it also needs to be sustainable. It doesn’t make sense to invest in learning how to use a static site generator that is not being actively used by a community of people.


Is fidelity to truth something you owe other people? Or, rather, is it something of the very highest importance to yourself? What is the value of truth? “Do you want the truth?” This question is often used as a caricature of poorly written dialogue in movies and TV. Of course people want the truth, the criticism goes. At some point, at some level, every person realizes that they want the truth.

Developing in Docpad

The centrality of human-readable text

I’ve started developing in Docpad because I love lo-fi text-only documentation. This CMS uses folder structure and tags for site hierarchy and is very flexible. The MarkDown is transpiled into html and I can use a variety of templating languages for the layout components. I’m going under the assumption that this will all provide maximal flexibility while I am actively creating content. Lo-fi Conceptual Representations I write a lot of notes every single day in MarkDown and yaml.

Misinformed Democratization example citation [@krycho:revelation:2015, ΒΆ6] Examples of the misatribution of liberalization to democratization Democracy can be defined as: A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. After this definition, the meaning is distorted To put it more simply, democratic governments answer to their citizens. Through voting, people frame the institutions that govern them.