“It’s bad because it’s illegal” is a circular argument and begs the question “why is it illegal?” As a young person you may accept that laws are written for many reasons, and that someone must have made each law for some reason. After living for a few dacades and seeing the laws obeyed, disobeyed and carried out, and you’ve seen the long-term consequences of violating the law, of of poorly written laws, eventually you must ask, “What are laws based on?”
Morality Morality is a system of good behavior, virtue, and a method of discovering and understanding good behavior. It units good behavior with valid knowledge.
To unify knowledge with behavior you must have a way of integrating the two.
How do you go from knowing something to be true to knowing how to act? And then how do you go back from having acted and understand the results of your action, and what knowledge you can learn from it?